Group Classes

17.00-18.00: Coordination & Drills
This hour-long class is for preparation and building awareness of how we use our body in different applications with different qualities in the dance. Mario & Anabella have isolated several exercises found within the dance vocabulary used to strengthen the most important concepts of balance, connection, building dynamic energy, using spirals and disassociating different parts of the body for distinct purposes.
18.00-20.00: Intermediate Level Tango
Our intermediate level lessons are focused on reinforcing the fundamental building blocks of social dancing, as well as introducing concepts to stimulate the creative element found in improvisation. Connection and communication skills, combined with awareness of the many structures composing improvisation tango, create a very dynamic and personal menu of options for each student.

17.00-18.00: Coordination & Drills
This hour-long class is for preparation and building awareness of how we use our body in different applications with different qualities in the dance. Mario & Anabella have isolated several exercises found within the dance vocabulary used to strengthen the most important concepts of balance, connection, building dynamic energy, using spirals and disassociating different parts of the body for distinct purposes.
18.00-20.00: Advanced Level Tango
Elegant transitions within styles of embraces, walks, turns, elements of improvisation; i.e, boleos, ganchos, sacadas, barridas, bloqueos, soltadas, tomadas, colgadas, volcadas. Phrasing dynamic sequences into counts of 8 is another important focus of the advanced level classes Mario & Anabella teach. Understanding where and why movements accompany musical accents in itself is a wonderful experience for all students.

LOCATION > "El Metejon" Juan Ramirez de Velazco 55 [MAP]

PRICING > $20 for Coordination & Drills / $40 for Intermediate/Advanced Levels / $50 for both classes